Sunday, September 21, 2008

Ablaze for God - Day 7 Devotional

“Renewing Our Power”
Submitted by Ben Drown
Key Text: Ephesians 5:18

Paul wrote to the Ephesians about their lives as Believers. In order to fully feel what he is talking about we need to understand the situation. In simple words: they lived in a city that was totally immersed in pagan religion with all its idolatry & immorality. The government controlled and demanded adherence to a form of pagan worship and had little tolerance for any dissent. To be a Christian in this culture was to have your life in danger.

The Apostles had received the infilling of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. They went into all the world to preach the Gospel – including Ephesus. They expended much spiritual energy in this city and needed refueling!! It took all great spiritual power just to survive the demands of this pagan city. So Paul’s words in his letter to the church in Ephesus are apt. . . “be filled with the Spirit.”

The Ephesians were not called to “just get by” or merely survive. Nor are we! Like the Ephesians, we too can feel the pressure of the world around us increasing. What’s a body to do???

Bill Bright, founder of Campus Crusade for Christ challenges us with the literal translation of Eph. 5:18. “Be ye being filled with the Spirit.” This statement suggests a “continuous action”.

A continuous prayer for us today: “With Thy Spirit, fill me.”

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