Friday, September 12, 2008

A Note from Pastor Mark

Dear Hayward Wesleyan Church Family,

In all my years of ministry, I have never more eagerly anticipated the coming weeks than now! God is up to something wonderful. Let's join Him!

Thank you to all who participated in the unusual prayer services last Sunday. Literally hundreds of prayers went up before the Lord. Together, we sought His face. I know this was pleasing to Him. We've had several reports of significant spiritual breakthroughs as a direct result of what we did on Sunday. I'm certainly glad we followed the prompting.

This Sunday, we are officially launching the Ablaze for God series. I ask you to pause right now and pray for our church. Pray that we will all sense the presence of God in fullness, and that our hearts will turn towards Him. Pray that needs will be met, new commitments will be made, hearts will be set right and lives will be transformed. God moves in answer to prayer! He moves US!

Our Ablaze for God Series will include the Following:

1) Sunday Mornings: We will cover the major themes from a powerful little book called Ablaze for God, by Dr. Wesley Duewel. (available at God's Country Christian Bookstore)

The themes are:
* Your Life Aflame
* Your Power
* Your Love
* Your Accountability
* Your Prayer
* Your Anointing
* Your Integrity
* Your Infilling

Please make it your aim to attend all these services, if at all possible. If you are unable to attend due to travel or illness, we encourage you to get the cd of the message, or you might be able to listen to it online via our church website: (Under Resources, then Sermons -- still working on the technology)

2) Monday Evenings:
Sept. 22 - Nov 3, we will meet at the church from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. There will be deeper teaching on the theme from the weekend, as well as small group discussion. This is a great way to discover what small groups are about. I encourage you to make every effort to attend these meetings.

3) Daily Devotionals:
Starting Monday, Sept. 15, we will provide daily "Your Life Ablaze" devotionals, written by members of our congregation. The devotional booklets are hot off the press and will be available at church this Sunday. You can also pick up a copy at the welcome center or church office any time. We will post the daily devotional here on our Ablaze for God blog:

4) Ablaze for God blog:
Speaking of the Ablaze for God blog, besides the daily devotionals, there will be other inspiring posts to help you in the spiritual quest. I encourage you to bookmark it, and visit every day.

5) Prayer Effort:

Recognizing the importance of prayer in an endeavor like this, we are calling our congregation to a special season of focused prayer.

* Prayer Vigil:
We will launch our special prayer effort with a 24 hour prayer vigil, starting midnight, Friday, Sept. 19 and continuing through midnight, Saturday, Sept. 20. You are invited to come to the sanctuary any time during those hours and join your heart in prayer with the others who have gathered.

* 168 Prayer:
Coming out of the prayer vigil, we are planning to have someone praying 24 hours a day, 7 days a week throughout the entire Ablaze for God series. There are 168 hours in a week -- so we are looking for 168 "prayer warriors" who are willing to devote an hour a week to this mighty cause. We will provide guides and resources to help you in your praying.

Sign up at church this Sunday, or call the church office: 634-4613. Together, let's saturate these next few weeks with our prayers! See Psalm 16:8!

* Weekly Prayers:
As the Holy Spirit orchestrates, some will gather for prayer at various times throughout the week. Watch the church bulletin and the Ablaze for God blog for a listing of the available prayer gatherings.

It is exciting to see what God is doing. Don't miss the blessing.

"No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him." I Cor. 2:9

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