When the kingdom of God comes Jesus will not be recognized by a crown or robes. He’s never been into that kind of garb. The Scripture teach He will be known by His scars. We will identify the King of Kings by nail-scarred marks on his hands and feet.
In the same way the Holy Spirit today is recognized by specific marks. The two most significant marks of God’s Spirit in a person’s life is purity and power.
As God’s Spirit fills our lives there is a instantaneous and ongoing desire to serve God with a pure heart. One of the ministries of the Holy Spirit’s work is that there is an increased sensitivity in our lives to those things that dishonor the heart of God. We recognize all too quickly what the disciples experienced. . .“The Spirit is willing, but the body is weak.” The habits of our bodies (course talk, loose lips, wandering minds, rolling eyes, stingy hands, lazy feet, etc.) quickly are confronted by the Spirit inside us. I’ve noticed that when the Spirit is at work in a person’s life, a crisis occurs within the self. The Spirit is screaming “purify, purify” and the body is screaming “I am a creature of habit…I hate change.” So, the Spirit’s quest to purify leads in this internal crusade towards holiness.
In order to win this battle we need power over the sinful habits at work in the members of our body (Romans 7:21).
How convenient! The second mark of the Holy Spirit is power. The Scripture says that the Spirit “helps us in our weakness”. We want to become holy, but cannot go it alone. As we admit our need for God’s help, the Spirit comes with divine assistance.
First, He intercedes on our behalf (Romans 8:27).
Second, He reminds us Whose we are (8:16).
Third, He embeds in thick skulls the truth that we no longer are defined by condemnation (8:1), but by conquest (8:37)!
His marks in our life are simple to detect. Purity and Power. And, they compliment one another us they lead us towards the image of Christ.
Are His marks recognizable in your life today?
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Ablaze for God - Day 46 Devotional
Infilling begins with complete surrender.
Surrender from a worldly perspective denotes defeat after a lost battle. In God’s kingdom however, it is the basis for a life of joy, peace and victory.
So what do we surrender? Our selfishness, passivity, ambitions, plans, grudges, critical attitudes, and an unloving spirit. God may show you others!
When the above attitudes and mind-sets fill our hearts and minds, there is no room for the infilling of the Spirit. When you put water in a container that has a rock in it – that container is not yet “full” of water – and cannot be “full of water” until the rock is removed!
To surrender all we must ask the Holy Spirit to shine the probing light into our hearts to reveal what is there, ask God’s forgiveness and cleansing – then we are ready for that baptism of the Holy Spirit who brings purity, power and love to work in and through us for God’s glory and the benefit of His Church.
However, once we have reached this place we must realize our enemy, Satan, will do all he can to bring back thoughts of these weaknesses. We must fight constantly – what Paul calls the “good fight of faith.” And as we are faced with new situations and assignments from the Lord we must have His cleansing and fresh infillings to meet the need.
Pray: Father in heaven, as the Lord Jesus told His followers to wait in Jerusalem until they received the Holy Spirit, so we too need to have that infilling so we can effectively do Your work. So this day I confess my sins and ask for the Holy Spirit to cleanse me and fill me with His love and power just now. In Jesus’ Name. AMEN
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Ablaze for God - Day 45 Devotional
Why are we forever dissatisfied with the hand we’ve been dealt?
Imagine for a moment a guy in a poker game holding a Royal Flush in his hand. He’s positioned to win. Yet, not recognizing the great cards he’s holding, decides to fold. We might question this man’s sanity or question if he even understands how the game is played, but we would never question the hand he was dealt. We’d correctly assume that he was granted a perfect hand. We’d argue that the man had in his grasp all he needed to win the game, to achieve success. Yet, unless he chooses to play out that hand, what he has been dealt is of little consequence.
In the same way, the Scriptures are clear that through the Holy Spirit God has dealt us one great hand. Our desire to sometimes fold the hand God has dealt us because we are dissatisfied with Him exposes how often we misconstrue the game we are called to play. . .and misunderstand the God we are called to serve.
Let’s take a peek at just a few of the cards we hold and see the precious hand we’ve been dealt. If you have received the Holy Spirit:
· You have been chosen by God (Ephesians 1:3-8)
· You have been sealed by His Spirit marking your permanence in his kingdom (2 Corinthians 1:21-22)
· You are part of the body of Christ (1Corinthians 12:27)
· You are free from the power of sin (Romans 6:18)
· You are a child of the King (Romans 8:15-17)
· You have the mind of Christ (I Corinthians 2:16)
· You have been given gifts (I Corinthians 12:4-7)
· You are heir to a Kingdom (Hebrews 12:28)
God has placed all His chips on the table through the loving sacrifice of His only begotten Son. Quite a gamble indeed. Now, because of Jesus’ sacrifice we hold a Royal Flush. How we play the game and what we do with the hand we’re dealt. . .well, let’s just say, we hold the cards.
You have two options today. You can fold. . .or you can put all the chips on the table and play out the victorious hand you’ve been dealt.
Imagine for a moment a guy in a poker game holding a Royal Flush in his hand. He’s positioned to win. Yet, not recognizing the great cards he’s holding, decides to fold. We might question this man’s sanity or question if he even understands how the game is played, but we would never question the hand he was dealt. We’d correctly assume that he was granted a perfect hand. We’d argue that the man had in his grasp all he needed to win the game, to achieve success. Yet, unless he chooses to play out that hand, what he has been dealt is of little consequence.
In the same way, the Scriptures are clear that through the Holy Spirit God has dealt us one great hand. Our desire to sometimes fold the hand God has dealt us because we are dissatisfied with Him exposes how often we misconstrue the game we are called to play. . .and misunderstand the God we are called to serve.
Let’s take a peek at just a few of the cards we hold and see the precious hand we’ve been dealt. If you have received the Holy Spirit:
· You have been chosen by God (Ephesians 1:3-8)
· You have been sealed by His Spirit marking your permanence in his kingdom (2 Corinthians 1:21-22)
· You are part of the body of Christ (1Corinthians 12:27)
· You are free from the power of sin (Romans 6:18)
· You are a child of the King (Romans 8:15-17)
· You have the mind of Christ (I Corinthians 2:16)
· You have been given gifts (I Corinthians 12:4-7)
· You are heir to a Kingdom (Hebrews 12:28)
God has placed all His chips on the table through the loving sacrifice of His only begotten Son. Quite a gamble indeed. Now, because of Jesus’ sacrifice we hold a Royal Flush. How we play the game and what we do with the hand we’re dealt. . .well, let’s just say, we hold the cards.
You have two options today. You can fold. . .or you can put all the chips on the table and play out the victorious hand you’ve been dealt.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Ablaze for God - Day 44 Devotional
What if Culvers came to town? I’ve heard this rumor often in my short time in Hayward. What if the rumor was true and the backhoes started digging, foundations were placed, the building structure went up, the lights were turned on, the food smell was wafting through town, the cashiers were ready, but the doors remained locked? And not just one day, but three days, and then a week, and then almost a month! What were they doing?! Why go through all that trouble to create an amazing restaurant, cook the food, and then NOT open up and share it?! That’s crazy!
Exactly! This would be the difference between being “indwelt” with the Spirit versus being “infilled” with the spirit. The indwelling of the Spirit of God happens when a person opens up their heart to God in faith through Jesus. The Holy Spirit builds a home in the heart of that faith-filled person. It is like the creation and existence of a Culvers restaurant in Hayward. We are all excited that the Spirit just made a new home in the heart of another child of God!
If, however, that is all the faith-filled person did, then that would be a shame. Why? Well, it is a little like having this amazing, Culver-aroma snaking around town, but not being able to eat anything. The Holy Spirit is inside your heart, but nothing happens. Culvers was built to serve greasy hamburgers and tasty frozen treats! The Holy Spirit indwells in order to infill!
The infilling of the Holy Spirit means that he opens up shop in your heart. You become a beacon of light and hope for the world around you because you have allowed the anointing presence of the Spirit of God to shine in your life. Infilling is when you allow the Spirit to coarse through every thought and intention of the heart and live out of His power and strength and not our own. Being infilled with the indwelt Spirit is a lot like unlocking the doors to Culvers and ordering that/those…whatever.
Culvers exists not to be a building, but a provision of food and beverages to Hayward and beyond. The Holy Spirit infills, not to merely indwell, but to take a human heart and be a launching pad of God’s power and presence to Hayward and beyond.
Exactly! This would be the difference between being “indwelt” with the Spirit versus being “infilled” with the spirit. The indwelling of the Spirit of God happens when a person opens up their heart to God in faith through Jesus. The Holy Spirit builds a home in the heart of that faith-filled person. It is like the creation and existence of a Culvers restaurant in Hayward. We are all excited that the Spirit just made a new home in the heart of another child of God!
If, however, that is all the faith-filled person did, then that would be a shame. Why? Well, it is a little like having this amazing, Culver-aroma snaking around town, but not being able to eat anything. The Holy Spirit is inside your heart, but nothing happens. Culvers was built to serve greasy hamburgers and tasty frozen treats! The Holy Spirit indwells in order to infill!
The infilling of the Holy Spirit means that he opens up shop in your heart. You become a beacon of light and hope for the world around you because you have allowed the anointing presence of the Spirit of God to shine in your life. Infilling is when you allow the Spirit to coarse through every thought and intention of the heart and live out of His power and strength and not our own. Being infilled with the indwelt Spirit is a lot like unlocking the doors to Culvers and ordering that/those…whatever.
Culvers exists not to be a building, but a provision of food and beverages to Hayward and beyond. The Holy Spirit infills, not to merely indwell, but to take a human heart and be a launching pad of God’s power and presence to Hayward and beyond.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Ablaze for God - Day 43 Devotional
“Well did you see me?” These were the common words out of my then three year old daughter’s mouth when interrogated by us, her parents, about some suspected wrong doing. In her mind if we didn’t actually see her do it she didn’t have to own up to it.
I often find myself in this same situation, believing that I have gotten away with something so long as it wasn’t visible to the outside world. In my mind I think no one will ever know because they may have not seen my bad behavior, or worse yet, my sinful thoughts, motives or intentions.
I resort to this type of earthly thinking when I find my self out of touch with God. I forget he sees and knows all. While God is not the author of these sins of mine, I feel he understands them because of what went on in the Garden of Eden that day. Because I struggle so with this private world of mine, I am so thankful for God’s redemptive power and love that he has freely given us through his son Jesus Christ.
The challenge for each of us is to find a consistent way to keep ourselves in touch with God. I have found that journaling my prayers works best for me. For you it maybe something totally different, but find a practice that helps you stay in tune and exercise it often so that you to can enjoy the rich life that comes with a close relationship with your Creator.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Ablaze for God - Day 42 Devotional
Starting points are important. In 1980 Rosie Ruiz had just won the Boston marathon and received the winner’s laurel. Unfortunately, it was later discovered that she had only run the last few miles of the race and was stripped of her crown. She had lost her integrity by missing the most important aspect of the race, the starting point.
Many times as God’s people we miss the starting point of community. It is easy to live in a community where everyone looks like us, speaks like us, thinks like us, and worships God like us. We are comfortable. But this is not Christ-likeness. No, Jesus hung out with the handicapped, the tax collectors, the poor, the lepers, the rich, the religious, the young, the old, and even people who betrayed his trust. Yes, Jesus knew where the community starting line was and he challenges us to see it in everyone we come in contact with if we are to become like him. Community starts with understanding that every person on this planet (whether we like it or not) was made in the image of God, and our responsibility is not only to love them as ourselves (Matt. 22: 37-40), but to love them as Jesus loves us (John 13: 34-35).
Thus love in the Christian community should, first of all, not be based on doctrine, principle, commonality, church ideology, but instead based on a love that knows that God loves all his people. If this is our starting point, then the person we enjoy the least (for whatever reason) is welcomed into our community.
This makes community a dirty, painful process. We are actually called to love, forgive, nurture and dwell among people who are sure to let us down. Therefore, let us go through our days of community knowing full well where our starting point is-loving one another as God loves us.
Many times as God’s people we miss the starting point of community. It is easy to live in a community where everyone looks like us, speaks like us, thinks like us, and worships God like us. We are comfortable. But this is not Christ-likeness. No, Jesus hung out with the handicapped, the tax collectors, the poor, the lepers, the rich, the religious, the young, the old, and even people who betrayed his trust. Yes, Jesus knew where the community starting line was and he challenges us to see it in everyone we come in contact with if we are to become like him. Community starts with understanding that every person on this planet (whether we like it or not) was made in the image of God, and our responsibility is not only to love them as ourselves (Matt. 22: 37-40), but to love them as Jesus loves us (John 13: 34-35).
Thus love in the Christian community should, first of all, not be based on doctrine, principle, commonality, church ideology, but instead based on a love that knows that God loves all his people. If this is our starting point, then the person we enjoy the least (for whatever reason) is welcomed into our community.
This makes community a dirty, painful process. We are actually called to love, forgive, nurture and dwell among people who are sure to let us down. Therefore, let us go through our days of community knowing full well where our starting point is-loving one another as God loves us.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Ablaze for God - Day 41 Devotional
Webster’s Dictionary defines integrity as this:
1: firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values: incorruptibility
2: an unimpaired condition; soundness
3: the quality or state of being complete or undivided; completeness
Although it’s not always easy, this is what we need to strive for in our marriages. Life can bring an overabundance of storms on any given day. Combine this with the fact that the enemy is doing his best to destroy the marriage, and you have an award winning recipe for a battle.
Have you ever thought about how the words integrity and integrate are so similar? In order to thrive, a marriage really needs one in order to achieve the other. Stir in a good dose of respect, romance and humor and who knows what will happen. Better than chocolate chip cookie dough!
A great verse to meditate on as related to your spouse is Ephesians 4:3. “Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace”.
Heavenly Father, we thank You for giving us to each other. We pray for Your protection over our marriage, over our love. We pray for your help so we might model Your love and Your heart, as we go through the various seasons in our marriage. In Your name, Amen.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Ablaze for God - Day 40 Devotional
“Jeremy, you’re no good when the TV is on.” This is true. When the TV is on in my home, I am drawn to its pulsating orb of light! Maybe because I am an extremely focused person. This is both a blessing and a curse. A blessing when I don’t want to be distracted; a curse when I want to be distracted! Watching television allows me to focus on a mind-numbing task rather than an intense one. Which frustrates my wife and now my daughter because I often go too far in the mind-numbing department. I become “no good” to anyone (let alone the two people I love the most in my life!).
So how does one relax from a long day’s work (or long week’s worth of work) without escaping or being destructive? Does God care about our exhaustion and need for “vegging out” and is this something a person ablaze for God person should do?
God gave us something amazing in the act of creation—He stamped His image on us. Much ink has been spilt in understanding what the “image of God” means, but it at least means this: we are like God somehow. Not outside looks, but embedded into our character and passions—our soul. Because God is a creator, we are also mini-creators. We were created by God to re-create.
When I watch TV I am seeking to be renewed and refreshed; I am recreating. What goes wrong is that I recreate in front of the TV too long to the neglect of the women in my life. Integrity in our play should be sourced in a God-inspired act of creating again what was worn out of us in a hard day’s work. In that sense, re-creation serves a divine purpose in that it brings back a sense of wholeness and balance that is taken from work.
More than anyone, children understand the necessary component of play in our lives. My daughter Sari wants me to be involved in her stacking of blocks, reading a book, or poking her finger in my belly button as I lay on the floor watching TV!
On that note, I guess I’d better turn off Seinfeld and get my finger poking revenge!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Ablaze for God - Day 39 Devotional
So there I am, standing atop an extension ladder preparing to apply stain to the gable peak of a beautiful Northwood's cabin when I'm stopped dead by a hole, no bigger around than my smallest finger. I stare at it, and as it stares back at me, I can only think one thing.
Caulk! That hole needs to be caulked before I can continue staining. No big deal, it'll take only thirty seconds to caulk a hole, right? Trouble is that the caulk is in the work truck, and I'm standing atop a ladder, forty feet above the ground. The truck is on the far end of the house, then up a long flight of steps, around the flower gardens and then up the sidewalk. Wow!
That's an exhausting thought, and a longer hike! Maybe I'll just stain it, forget the caulk. I mean, who's going to know? It isn't even visible from the ground.
'But I can't leave it', I argue back to myself, it has to be sealed to keep the insects out. It's big enough for bats to enter, and maybe even those cute little flying squirrels that chew on anything and everything and will make your home their home, by the dozens once let in, potentially costing hundreds or even thousands of dollars in damage to the structure. And, even if no one else knows, I will! It's now a "no-brainer"; I'm making my way down the ladder and up the hill on a six minute mission to get the caulk.
Colossians 3:23 tells us, "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men. Since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward."
Integrity on the job means doing the right thing, even when no one is looking. And the fact is that what we do on the job is always seen by One. Are we honest with ourselves and others, have we done the best job that we could? You see, ultimately we’re not just simply caulking holes. . . we’re actually laying a foundation, which lies buried and often unseen beneath the ground but will be revealed through the test of time.
Caulk! That hole needs to be caulked before I can continue staining. No big deal, it'll take only thirty seconds to caulk a hole, right? Trouble is that the caulk is in the work truck, and I'm standing atop a ladder, forty feet above the ground. The truck is on the far end of the house, then up a long flight of steps, around the flower gardens and then up the sidewalk. Wow!
That's an exhausting thought, and a longer hike! Maybe I'll just stain it, forget the caulk. I mean, who's going to know? It isn't even visible from the ground.
'But I can't leave it', I argue back to myself, it has to be sealed to keep the insects out. It's big enough for bats to enter, and maybe even those cute little flying squirrels that chew on anything and everything and will make your home their home, by the dozens once let in, potentially costing hundreds or even thousands of dollars in damage to the structure. And, even if no one else knows, I will! It's now a "no-brainer"; I'm making my way down the ladder and up the hill on a six minute mission to get the caulk.
Colossians 3:23 tells us, "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men. Since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward."
Integrity on the job means doing the right thing, even when no one is looking. And the fact is that what we do on the job is always seen by One. Are we honest with ourselves and others, have we done the best job that we could? You see, ultimately we’re not just simply caulking holes. . . we’re actually laying a foundation, which lies buried and often unseen beneath the ground but will be revealed through the test of time.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Ablaze for God - Day 38 Devotional
We are the proud parents of 6 children, and proud grandparents of 10 grandchildren. We have always had to put our trust in the Lord as there is no way we would ever have been able raise our family without God's help. It is only through Him
During the time four of our children were growing up, we owned a live bait business. My husband was out in the woods nearly every day catching minnows to sell in the shop. Taking care of the children and running the ship was left mostly to me. I did all the cooking, gardening, canning, wash, and ran the bait shop which included waiting on customers, ordering tackle, paying bills, etc. Oops, I forgot about the cleaning, but that is something I like to forget. From May to late October, we were open 16 hours a day. Life was hectic and crazy but lots of fun.
Amidst all of that, our aim was to bring our children up to have integrity. Integrity is not anything that you can teach. It can only be learned by living it and setting a good example.
I remember one day, my two daughters and I went shopping. Laura was 3 and Diane just a baby. We went into the card shop where Laura saw some little playing cards. She asked if she could have them. I said “no” because we just couldn't afford them. I thought she put them back, but she had put them in a little purse that she was carrying. We finished our shopping and drove the 13 miles home. When we got home, she took out the little cards to play with. I was so upset. She was too young to really understand what she had done wrong, so I called the card shop and told them what had happened and that we were coming back in. We drove back the 13 miles to town and I marched her into the store. She had to give the cards back and apologize to the clerk, tell her that she was sorry and that she would never do it again. That was 38 years ago and she still remembers this lesson like it was yesterday.
I like to think that we ran our bait shop and raised our family with integrity. We always tried to treat all our our customers with respect, fairness, kindness, and friendliness. We always tried to do the same with our family except with a lot of love mixed in. It wasn't always easy when the children became teenagers and “knew more than we did”.
People have asked me how I was able to raise a family, run a business, and keep my sanity. My advice is to live each day as it comes, love unconditionally and laugh a lot. The main thing is to PRAY and model integrity to those closest to you. Constantly. God has always been there for me. May He be there for you too!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Ablaze for God - Day 37 Devotional
The first lie I clearly remember telling was as a small girl at my grandparent’s cottage. The rule there was, “no cookies before dinner.” Since my grandmother’s chocolate chip cookies were the best on the planet, this was a hard rule to follow. I lied when asked by my mother if I had eaten any. “No,” was my reply. At this point I believed that my mother had eyes in the back of her head, because she told me she knew that I had.
As we grow older, we realize that integrity is more than not telling a lie and more than merely telling the truth. It’s living out truth daily. As Christians we discover that to be authentic we are to act out what we know deep inside to be true. God’s desire is for His truth to influence every aspect of our lives; our values, our beliefs, and our everyday decisions. Psalms 15:1-2 and Proverbs 10:9 call this ‘walking with integrity.’ Walking with integrity is not an easy path; we may not always be popular, we may not make everyone we happy, we may not be able to avoid conflict, and we may even have to sacrifice to stay true to our promises. Walking with integrity means that the same loving attitude with which we approach our neighbors, is the one with which we speak about them in our own living rooms.
Can we walk with integrity and be on both sides of the fence? When we seek God’s approval over the praise of men, then we have the power to stand firm in our convictions without needing the world’s validation. Walking with integrity results in being secure in Him and that is enough!
Thought for the Day: It is God who has eyes in the back of His head.
Read: Psalm 15
Monday, October 20, 2008
Ablaze for God - Day 36 Devotional
What comprises a man who is known as a "man of God"? First of all, the difference between a man of God and a child of God is one of maturity. Both are equal in God's sight; loved, and forgiven, but one is a child spiritually, and one is a man.
A child is at the beginning stages of life, learning to find balance and walk, to communicate effectively, to give and share, to have patience and wait, to be diligent and disciplined, etc. In this process of learning there is pain and crying, complaining and a lack of understanding, but through the diligence of the parent there begins to be a gradual shift from a baby to a child to a mature adult. A parent rejoices when true maturity and strength of character emerge from their son or daughter.
To become a man or woman of God we will undergo the same process with our Heavenly Father overseeing the training and discipline of our soul and spirit. We are born again in an instant, but we are perfected and matured over time. James 1:4 says, "But let patience have her perfect work, that you may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing." Ah, a wonderful vision!
So what are the signs that this perfecting and maturing have taken place in one's life? Most importantly this man or woman of God will have a Presence or a state of Being, and this Presence is Love. Yes, there will be works that will also prove their maturity, but I Corinthians 13 states very clearly that works without love are empty and vain and will profit them nothing.
So what about this loving presence? Here’s some handles that help define this Presence we call love:
· Love dwells in the present. It doesn't ruminate over yesterday or fret about tomorrow. It accepts what IS today with the full assurance that behind the scenes all is working together for good and for blessing. So it is contented with life NOW and actually delights in it because it doesn't take for granted the good that IS.
· This Presence of Love is full of joy in life and has enduring hope because it totally believes and firmly relies on God's magnificent promises given in His Word.
· Peace runs like a river from it, refreshing those around because at this moment it knows Who holds and takes care of the next moment.
· It suffers long with others, is gentle and kind and meek knowing that God is uniquely dealing with every individual Himself.
· Love gives goodness to all, for it knows that what we sow in other's lives we will reap in our own.
· Love is self-controlled in all areas of life because it believes and thereby lays hold of the power of God within us as new creatures in Christ.
How can this love be matured and perfected in you? As with all of life, it is through time and consistent practice. So let us begin to press on to become men and women of God who daily display the fruit of His Spirit--fruit so luscious, sweet, and fully ripened that all who experience life with us will taste and see that God is SO good.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Ablaze for God - Day 35 Devotional
I decided to go out for hockey my senior year of high school. I had never played in an organized league before so I had a lot to learn. I got to play some but I was never very good.
Twenty-five years later a friend suggested I play in the annual alumni game. Not wanting to embarrass myself I said, “No – I don’t even have a hockey stick.” A few days later I came home from work and there, leaning against my door was a brand new stick with a bow on it. The note said, “Now you can play.” And I did.
You can’t play hockey without a stick. It enables you to move the puck “down ice”, to “stick-handle” around the opposition, to defend your goal and to shoot at the opponent’s goal – to score! But most importantly, it is used to pass the puck to others. It is never to be used for my benefit alone. The gift was given to me to participate on the team.
Jesus said to the disciples in Acts 1:6-8 that they would “receive power when the Holy Spirit” came upon them and “you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth”.
The work of those who follow Jesus (the church) and the Holy Spirit go hand in hand. True, the Holy Spirit does give us a fresh sense of God’s presence, comfort and hope. But God’s Spirit was given to enable His followers to take into all the world, the news that Jesus is Lord and empower us to the task of implementing the Kingdom of God – to live as God’s people. Today, we share in the life and continuing work of Jesus. His work is redemptive, bringing healing and hope to the sick and the poor, and justice and freedom to the oppressed. We serve as He served.
The gift of the hockey stick was not given just for me. It allowed me to participate in “feeding” the puck to others so that the team could prevail.
We have missed the point if we think that the gift of the Holy Spirit was given for “our” benefit alone. We are enabled and empowered to live on behalf of the world – God’s world. Look around. The needs are everywhere. God is reclaiming His world. And you and I, through the leading and empowering of the Holy Spirit, share in that work.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Ablaze for God - Day 34 Devotional
“His Anointing Brings Special Blessings”
Submitted by Karri Weller
Key text: Psalm 23:5
You have anointed my head with oil; my cup overflows.
As I walk thru the valley
I look for you, Lord
For you are waiting for me
And will see me thru.
As my enemies follow close behind
My cup spills over, and I start to cry
With enemies nipping at my heels
I find myself getting closer to you
I fall at your feet
As I look up to see
What you prepared for me
Plates are over flowing
With promises, hope, love and dreams
You reach down and anoint my head
Your energy flows thru me
You fill my cup
And help me up.
As we sit at the table and talk
I realize I have not done my part
For You are there each and everyday
Filling me up, showing me the way
Making promises and blessing come true
Giving me hopes dreams and love too.
No matter where or what I do.
You are always there to see it thru
So Lord I thank you,
Never being able to do enough
To show you how much I appreciate your love.
Thank each and everyday,
I will do my best to worship you!
As a wife and a mother of three, the Lord has filled my life in ways I could never imagined. And, with each passing day I thank Him for all He has done and all that He does. For, no matter how bad a day may seem, I am grateful. For even thru all the struggles of each day I know he has prepared promises, hopes, dreams, love, faith and my cup each day as I try not to spill it throughout the day.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Ablaze for God - Day 33 Devotional
Before giving a retreat on the names of Jesus, several ladies gathered to pray about the weekend and for each attendee, asking the Holy Spirit to open their hearts to who Jesus wanted to be in their lives and to heal any brokenness within. We also asked to anoint the leader to be sensitive to His leading. Sending the ladies off to research the names given them, I looked up to see one woman with a tearful face. She shared that she had been struggling with pride and perfectionism, and when Jesus was presented as Friend and Prince of Peace, she hungered for forgiveness and a new walk. By searching the Scriptures and praying together, she came to believe Jeremiah 29:11: “For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” NIV.
Finding the right verses, praying with anyone in a time of need should be prefaced by prayer for anointing and accepting the challenge to share God’s Word in a worthy manner, trusting Him to bring it alive to the needy heart. Jesus is the Great Shepherd and He has asked His pastors to send forth workers to lead His people. What joy fills our hearts when someone comes forth hungry and you are allowed to feed them the Holy Scriptures with His healing touch. So often a story comes to your mind that fits perfectly or something that happened in your own life meshes seamlessly with what the other is dealing with. You recognize that God may have allowed some situation to occur in your life precisely for this anointed time.
God is the "God of all comfort" and wants you to share what you have learned with others: “..so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves received from God.” When you are willing to serve God very few situations, especially the difficult ones, will go unused in your ministry.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Ablaze for God - Day 32 Devotional
Whenever I interview baptism candidates (which is usually children), I always ask them this question: What is the difference between getting baptized and getting wet? Does every time you go swimming mean you are getting baptized? Usually the child looks at me kind of funny at first and then says something like “I swim to have fun, I get baptized because I’m at church.”
I eventually tell them that getting baptized is a symbol on the outside of what you have already done on the inside. Whenever the Bible talks about anointing it is usually the same thing—it is not the “anointing” that does it, rather it is the condition of the heart that is being anointed that gives credence to the “anointing.”
King David was anointed because he was a man after God’s heart. Jesus was anointed because he was God’s heart! Being anointed usually meant that the Holy Spirit was “resting” upon you, kind of like a special mark or stamp of approval. Having the Holy Spirit rest upon you gave one power that can only come from God.
Jesus was anointed with the power of the Holy Spirit to bring about a complete renewal of heart and focus for God’s people—Israel. Jesus was empowered through this anointing not through a place of honor and power (like a king or president), rather Jesus displayed his anointing though serving others. Jesus was living a characteristic of the kingdom of God by doing the opposite of what the world tells us to do to get ahead.
I tell children and youth this concept often: the way to live the kingdom of God “on earth as it is in heaven” is to do the opposite of what your natural, human reaction would be. Almost always, the opposite response is the supernatural, God-intended, anointed reaction… isn’t it?
Can you imagine a world where people lived in a supernatural, anointed way like Jesus? Well, it would almost look like heaven!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Ablaze for God - Day 31 Devotional
My heart starts beating ninety miles an hour with excitement as I read about the anointing of the Holy Spirit, especially at Pentecost. When the “breath of the spirit” fell, he fell upon ALL flesh, bringing to pass the prophecy of Joel 2:28-32. And we know that without the power of the Holy Spirit’s anointing, all of life is just empty ritual.
As I sit and ponder the workings of the Holy Spirit through history, my mind is taken back to the creation account in Genesis where it states that the Spirit hovered over the unfinished creation. I’m struck by the reality that the Spirit who was present during the construction of the cosmos, is the same Spirit who equipped the heroes’ of faith for His work, is the same Spirit who descended upon Jesus like a dove at his time of baptism, is the same Spirit who fell on the believers gathered in the upper room at Pentecost and. . .is the same Spirit who anoints us with divine power for life.
This has to excite your hearts!
The Spirit of God was active in creation, and his creative power continues today. For the “Spirit of Truth” enables each of us to live out Christ’s teachings in ways that we could never create on our own.
I don’t know about you, but I love the knowledge I have that the Holy Spirit leads, fills, and anoints my life. I believe if we make ourselves available, God will use each of us in mighty ways for His kingdom.
Amen? Amen!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Ablaze for God - Day 30 Devotional
What is an Anointing? In 300 words or less? Certainly! – or at least we’ll try.
The word “anointing” is a word that is part of the ceremony of “setting apart” a person as a king, prophet or priest. Such persons were “anointed” with oil designating them as ones uniquely set apart for God and His service. The practice of anointing occurs frequently in the Old Testament.
In the New Testament the “anointing oil” symbolized the Holy Spirit coming upon believers to set them apart for service and also give them special divine enablement. It has often been referred to as the “oil of the Spirit.”
Now add to the concept of anointing to the word “Christ” – the Greek word which is “messiah” in Hebrew. Both words mean “anointed one”. That my friends is “Jesus Christ” – prophesied as the One to be born in human flesh and called Jesus, also called “The Christ.” Yes, Jesus Christ, our Anointed One.
When we receive Jesus as our Savior – where does He come to us? He enters our hearts. He becomes part of us. When we make our profession of faith – we identify ourselves as a follower of Christ – Christ-Ones – or Christians! He becomes a part of us and we become a part of Him. WE ARE ANOINTED WITH THE SPIRIT!
Note again the Key Text: Anointed of God/sealed by the Spirit/people of promise! And from 1 John: “anointing from the Holy One” . . . the anointing you received from Him abides in you”. Believer, you are a special person. You have been anointed. You have uniquely been set apart for God’s service.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Pray With All Your Might
You must pray with all your might. That does not mean saying your prayers, or sitting gazing about in church or chapel with eyes wide open while someone else says them for you. It means fervent, effectual, untiring wrestling with God...This kind of prayer be sure the devil and the world and your own indolent, unbelieving nature will oppose. They will pour water on this flame.
- William Booth
- William Booth
Ablaze for God - Day 29 Devotional
“Your Responsibility to Pray for the
Kingdom of God to be Realized”
Submitted by Dee Davis
Key text: Revelation 22:20
It’s a Miracle!!!
Isn’t that what we say after staring into the face of a newborn baby?? It boggles our minds how it all happens! God uses the ordinary and creates the extraordinary. That is what He continually does! But why does God choose to give us such amazing influence and responsibility?? And why does God use ordinary people like you and me to birth His kingdom?
It is truly mind boggling that God actually entrusts ordinary you and me with procreation AND the opportunity of playing a reproductive role within His redemptive story as well. Ironically, in either case, the result is the same …a new birth. A beautiful new baby girl or boy is born!! What a powerful thought…we are never too old to give birth to a new little one!!
What a privilege to be part of God’s redemptive plan. He certainly does not need us to carry out His will…but He chooses to do just that. Procreation in God’s kingdom begins by sowing seeds of prayerful love. Prayer always prefaces new birth in the kingdom of God. Jesus commanded us to pray for His kingdom to come and His will to be routinely manifested in people’s lives right here and now.
My redemptive story, as I am sure yours does too, includes ordinary people who did an extraordinary thing… they prayed, sowed seeds of God’s love, and as a result new creation was birthed. Miraculous!!!
So, keep in mind, whenever the ordinary power of man is coupled with the extraordinary power of God… a miracle happens. His kingdom comes!! So be prepared for labor and delivery … and expect a miracle today!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Ablaze for God - Day 28 Devotional
Tears of Ministry can be embodied in many ways. There are tears of rejoicing with others, tears of anguish as we burden and labor for lost souls, and also tears for God’s people that are hurting and broken-hearted.
Many years ago I remember begging God to remove my tears. I didn’t want to be burdened for people that were hurting, care about unfair things happening to God’s people, or troubled by loved ones rejecting the Father’s love. God answered my prayer. He dried up my tears. And, it felt good for a season. I felt liberated and more in control. However, I began to notice I no longer cared about things that broke my Father’s heart. My prayer life dwindled and I didn’t like who I had become. I asked God to restore my heart and He did.
As we grow in relationship and communion with God, He enables our hearts to be burdened for the things that break His heart. As we intercede on behalf of others our tears become tears of release. In releasing our burdens to God on behalf of another He mysteriously imparts peace, vision, hope and strength to our lives.
Through tearful intercession we are saying to God “I care and I stand in the gap for my brothers and sisters.” In that sacred place of prayerful intimacy we can communicate our deepest longings for another through tears. What a blessed place to be!
Oh God, we live in a broken world, a world that so desperately needs you. May we be humbled and available for Your ministry in hearts that need Your divine touch. May we cry out Abba Father use me. Give me Your vision, a heart that follows hard after You and thinks bigger than myself. Release Your power and provision, so that lives will be transformed into your image starting with my own. May my tears be used to edify You and Your people as only You can do. Give me more of Your love and a heart of compassion for the things You love most of all-Your people!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Ablaze for God - Day 27 Devotional
This has been the summer of my dreams. Nearly every morning I have woken up before my children to sit quietly and pray on my patio overlooking our property. The warm light, the primary colors, the fresh smells, and the quaint sounds of songbirds have been so nurturing. My days have been productive and balanced. My children are thriving, and getting along with each other. My husband is succeeding in his business despite the recession. I have the most interesting, mature, and loving friends. And most recently, I have been blessed with the birth of a perfectly healthy baby girl. Life is so very good right now; sometimes I just shake my head in awe at the abundance of blessings God has given me. I feel like there is a supernatural glow and smoothness infiltrating every part of my life.
Before I go on, let me offer an important disclaimer: there is nothing special or holy about me that warrants this level of blessing. I cannot take credit for it. I remember years when I exerted more effort for far less results, simply because God had withdrawn His presence and power from my life for the purpose of refining me. No matter what I did, it failed, and my life was in total chaos. At that time, the season of blessing I am experiencing now seemed impossible.
A couple of weeks ago, I asked God what He wanted me to do with all this goodness. Do I just absorb it for myself? What came to my mind is to pray deliberately for all the people God has brought into my life so that they can experience what I am experiencing. Over the last two years, God has brought the most interesting and diverse group of friends my way. Some don’t know Jesus at all, some do but are stuck in dysfunction, others are more mature believers than me but are “going through the ringer.” God reminded me that when I have been stuck, I have relied on others’ prayer to be able to take a victorious step. There were times I was so anxious and depressed that I could not even read my Bible and pray until my mom’s noon hour prayer group met to pray for me each week.
Prayer works, gang. Let’s not assume victory is a one-man show of valiant effort, that with enough willpower an individual can do anything. The truth is, we need each other; our survival, our victory, depends on our deliberate investment in one another. Let’s get in the game with the expectation that together we will win. God’s kingdom will come in our lives and the lives of those around us. The prayer of a righteous man avails much! (James 5:16)
Friday, October 10, 2008
Ablaze for God - Day 26 Devotional
“Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.”
Never is the scripture more true than when the Apostle Paul says, “We are laborers together with God.” (1 Corinthians 3:9) The truth be told – when we pray more, we can say more with fewer words! The length of a speech may indicate a lack of prayer!
Effective ministry is more than intelligence and command of Biblical language. We are directed to “speak, as the very Words of God” (1 Peter 4:11). It’s intimate conversations with God that matter most. Prayer challenges and fills our hearts in such a way that His message flows out of our abundance.
Effective ministry comes from effective praying. It takes time, practice, discipline, persistence and “passionate patience”. It takes “praying ourselves full” if we would be “poured out” out in ministry.
Charles G. Finney, the evangelist and preacher emphasized that truth by itself will never produce spiritual results. It takes the Spirit of God setting truth aflame, empowering and applying truth to those who hear.
It has been said, “ A people of God set ablaze by the Spirit will attract a crowd.” And may I add: Cold hearts won’t do. Pray your heart hot!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Ablaze for God - Day 25 Devotional
There is no task great or small that we are adequately prepared to do until we have very humbly and sincerely prayed over it. Prayer is not a substitute for work, nor an excuse to not get at the task at hand. It is the way to make God a very real part of your work - in fact it is allowing Him, yes, welcoming Him to be the boss on the job. God wants to lead us and show us the most effective way to accomplish the work at hand.
In the last church I served I began the practice of going early to the church on Sunday morning, sitting in the sanctuary and praying for every family of our constituency by name, remembering their special needs. Through prayer God used this practice to help me better minister in His name. This was no substitute for adequate sermon preparation, nor was it a substitute for calls and contacts and all of the rest that is part of pastoral ministry.
No matter what our work, secular or religious, God stands ready to assist and direct. He completely understands every one of us and the work that is a daily part of our lives and our responsibility.
As you seek Him, He will guide you to become more productive and effective on the job, and in time you will learn the discipline of practicing His presence as you go about your daily tasks. He will guide us so that we will not become a workaholic nor a slacker, but a very efficient and effective servant of His.
Col. 3:17 gives us good direction here, “and whatsoever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to the father through Him."
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Ablaze for God - Day 24 Devotional
All spiritual leadership has at its core the simplicity of dialogue with God. It is our relationship with Him that will be the example to those we lead, and it will be the source of our guidance and insight into the ministry of the word to them.
1 Peter 2:9 tells us that we “are a chosen people, a royal priesthood . . . a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” When we become saved we are all given the priestly work of prayer. It is because of Christ’s atonement, what He did for us on the cross, that we have been given this privilege of prayer on the behalf of others. Because of Christ’s atonement we are complete in him; and so now we can do what Jesus did . . . pray (see John 14 – 17). It is our ministry to intercede for others.
When the apostle Paul tells us to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17), what he is telling us it that our prayer is not just a spiritual exercise, but is as much a reality of our life as the blood that flows and the heart that beats within. We may not always be conscious of it, but it is always going on. This is how we stay in touch with reality. If we are only praying when things go wrong we aren’t really in touch with God. But if we are truly a child of God, we will be like a child - continually talking and listening to him. We can start by asking God to help us see people and situations the way He does, to help us form the mind of Christ within. When we seek the mind of Christ we will begin to see people and circumstances from His point of view, and so our prayers will flow out from a whole new perspective.
Water The Harvest
Prayer is your way, often the only way, to water the harvest. By prayer you can bring the Holy Spirit's blessing on any gospel effort anywhere in the world.
-- Wesley Duewel
-- Wesley Duewel
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Ablaze for God - Day 23 Devotional
God is available for me each and every instant and second in my life. NO APPOINTMENT REQUIRED. I have access to the inner circle. I have His ear.
He has repeatedly answered my prayers over and over. . . I believe it is to prove to me His power and love.
He has given me his words and when I use the few words that have become a part of my life and my heart.. when I examine and meditate on them and incorporate them into my daily life, He has shown his power.
When a few short years ago I accepted Jesus as my Savior, I heard other people talking about intimacy with God it; seemed unattainable. Then I started praying .. really praying to God. No longer was I repeating memorized prayers hoping that by a multitude of repetitions I would earn the answer to my prayers. No longer did I pray with fear.
I began to express my own thoughts to God. Then, at the encouragement of a woman who had gone on a mission trip, I began to listen for God to speak to me. I never thought it would really happen. But God began to speak to me in specific ways in which He would get my attention. He made Himself credible to me. I know He gave me such positive reinforcement because He wants me to continue to seek a relationship through prayer with him.
With such results I sought a deeper relationship. Only recently have I been blessed with the most wondrous of experiences while listening for God to talk to me. I have thanked God and praised Him. I have learned that intercessory prayer for others is a privilege to which God has given me full and complete access. I can pray for family, for friends, even for strangers. The ability comes to me from the Holy Spirit. I have felt a swelling in my heart, a love. In a sense it is as romantic as the love I share with the husband with whom God has blessed me. It is not an everyday occurrence yet. But, I believe that with more cultivation through prayer and Scripture and on-going discipleship it is available to me and to each of us desiring such a relationship. And I thank God for it.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Ablaze for God - Day 22 Devotional
“You are Accountable for the Stewardship
of Your Time and Possessions”
Submitted by Jim January
Key text: Ephesians 5:15
of Your Time and Possessions”
Submitted by Jim January
Key text: Ephesians 5:15
Reading through a child psychology article recently I was surprised to see that what most children wanted from their parents was not time but quality time. Somehow children are intuitive enough to understand the connection between time and possessions and relationships. This is probably why Jesus reminds us that to receive the kingdom of God we must become like children. How do we become like children? Read through the Scriptures (click on "photo") below and pray that you would see the kingdom of heaven through the eyes of a child.

Sunday, October 5, 2008
Ablaze for God - Day 21 Devotional
“You Will Be Accountable for Feeding
Others the Word of God”
Submitted by Jeremy Mavis
Key text: 2 Timothy 4:2
Before you feed others the Word of God, you need to know the Word of God for yourself. So how well do you know the Word? Could you describe the Word if someone were to ask you what it is all about? Could you tell someone what was contained in the Word? Could you communicate knowledge of the Word or passion for the Word? What is the Word of God? If you thought I was talking about the Bible, you are mistaken. I was referring to Jesus as the Word of God.
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1).
Knowing the Word of God is often thought of as an ability to accumulate a bunch of facts and knowledge about God and the Bible. Rather, knowing the Word of God should be a continual pursuit of knowing—intimately and personally—the God revealed in Jesus. Sure that “knowing” can come to light through reading the Bible. Knowing the Scriptures is vital to a growing relationship with Christ. However, reading the Bible should not become an end in and of itself. Reading the Bible should ALWAYS lead us to worship. And, I don’t mean swaying back and forth with your hands in the air to some worship CD. By worship I mean drop down on your face, heart ablaze with intense reverence and fervor to pursue and follow the Lord! This should be our pursuit.
Does this mean that EVERY time you read your Bible you should peel yourself from the floor? Not necessarily always your body, but definitely always your heart. Knowing Jesus and following him leads us to a deep and abiding relationship with God the Father.
Feeding other people the Word of God means less about “teaching” children Bible stories, and way more about being an active and engaged Jesus person who lives out the character and ethic of the kingdom of God in everyday life.
The checkout lady at Wal-Mart needs a dose of Jesus, the Word of God, as she is scanning your Oreo cookies. She may not make it to the church building on Sunday morning, but she can sure be fed by the Word of God—Jesus—by the way you interact and bring blessing to her for those brief moments you are in her lane. A simple act of grace in the express lane can be transformed into a momentary “feeding” frenzy on the Word as Jesus is fleshed out in our daily lives.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Ablaze for God - Day 20 Devotional
“You will be Accountable for Preparing
Your People for Eternal Reward”
Submitted by Nate Yoder
Key text: Colossians 1:28
Most reward ceremonies last for a short time. It is here today and then forgotten tomorrow. “Eternal” rewards? They sound foreign. We are living in an age where hell, heaven, the judgment and our eternal reward are seldom given any thought.
In John 14, Jesus said “I will go to prepare a place for you.” That was over 2000 years ago. We may plan or make preparation for the upcoming year-maybe a bit longer to buy a house, or get a new vehicle, etc.
I’m thinking that the place He is preparing must be quite a place if it has been in the making for 2000 years. Streets of gold? Maybe. . .yet maybe not. Maybe it will have a lake, streams, mountains, abundant fish and wildlife where the fawn will lay down with the bear. Maybe the golden streets will be as the leaves in northern Wisconsin. I’m not sure what it will be like. I do know it must be awesome. After all…..He’s been at work for over 2000 years!
We talk with anticipation about the next game, the next hunt, the next party or shopping trip. We continue to plan as if there is no end in sight. Yet, when was the last you talked about heaven? Or even heard the word hell used within the right context?
John 14 says not only that He is preparing a place for us but that He will come back. Have you ever watched a lightning storm? Those streaks of lightning are actually cracks in the sky and we get to see just a little glimpse of heaven. The thunder is just the beginning of the trumpet call for the great reward ceremony. Okay, okay….maybe that is not all exactly scriptural but one day He will roll back the sky and we will meet Him in the air!
Scripture teaches us in Hebrews 9:27 that we all will die and then face the judgment. Philippians 2:10,11 says, “Every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.” Do we really believe that? If so, when was the last time you prayed for your lost family members, your work partners, your friends? When was the last time you prayed for God to help you see others through His eyes?
The question is, what will you, choose? When all of life’s work is done and we take that final walk, will you hear Him say, “Well done, my good and faithful servant. Receive your reward."?
Friday, October 3, 2008
168 Prayer
We have filled up every hour with prayer during our Ablaze for God series. 24 hours a day, seven days a week -- someone is on "prayer watch". If you are one of these prayer champions, we thank you! God is going to bless these efforts.
The 168 Prayer Watch will continue through November 3.
If you did not sign up, it's not to late to join us! Just pick a specific hour and pray! Pray for our church, community, nation and world. You can use the resources on the sidebar of this blog to help you in this mighty prayer endeavor.
We'd love to know if you decide to join us in the 168 Prayer Movement. E-mail us at hwc@cheqnet.net, or contact the church office.
The church moves forward on its knees!
The 168 Prayer Watch will continue through November 3.
If you did not sign up, it's not to late to join us! Just pick a specific hour and pray! Pray for our church, community, nation and world. You can use the resources on the sidebar of this blog to help you in this mighty prayer endeavor.
We'd love to know if you decide to join us in the 168 Prayer Movement. E-mail us at hwc@cheqnet.net, or contact the church office.
The church moves forward on its knees!
Ablaze Devotional - Day 19 Devotional
There is no room in the arena of Christ followers for anyone to total independence from the family! We are not free to say: “No one is going to tell me what to do!!!”
A Native American leader told a group some time ago, “What our churches and families need most is role models”. What those who are young in life or in faith need most is someone they can follow to Christ. We all look up to someone. Why not find someone who is transparent in their faith and living with integrity?
Paul taught that precept very well. “Be followers of me”, he stated, “even as I am of Christ”.
Jesus taught us by example and commanded, “Follow Me.” However, you and I probably will not get far with commanding or demanding others to follow. Rather, Jesus said, “Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven” (Matthew 5:16).
Oh, just in case you wondered, there are promised blessings for obedience to the Word of God. There are dire consequences for disobedience.
What a blessing your life can be to your family – your Church – and your community if you will be a faithful example to others as one who follows Christ.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Dr.Wesley Duewel
Great news!!
We just received confirmation that Dr. Wesley Duewel, author of Ablaze for God, will be coming to Hayward Wesleyan Church on November 9!
Dr. Duewel, age 92, is a spiritual giant -- mighty in prayer! It is a tremendous honor for us to have him come. Please pray for him as he prepares to share what God has laid upon his heart.
Ablaze for God - Day 18 Devotional
“You are Accountable to Lead with
Attention and Intention”
Submitted by Heath Davis
Key text: Acts 20:27-28
I hear that sheep are generally stupid. Guess that’s why God likens us to them. Sheep need shepherds. And so do we. The Scripture is clear that shepherding is essential in the Church. While God gives specific shepherding responsibilities to pastors and overseers within the body, the fact is that each of us is responsible to shepherd someone.
Bad shepherding is dealt with severely in the Scriptures. “Woe to the shepherds of Israel who only take care of themselves. I am against the shepherds and will hold them accountable for my flock” (Ezekiel 34: 2-3, 10). In this text, bad shepherds are marked by self-consumption and apathy towards those they lead.
So what makes a good shepherd? The two indispensable marks of shepherds are attention and intention.
Shepherds must lead with attention. A few years ago when I was going through a difficult time in my life a good friend put his hand on my shoulder and said, “I’ve got your back, man”. Just the knowledge that this brother would be keeping an eye out for me made all the difference. God wants His shepherds to “have the backs” of those they lead. In order to protect the sheep the shepherd must be attentive to the needs of the sheep. Our gaze must be fixed in their direction. In a world that turns a blind eye to the needs of others, the eyes of the shepherd are open wide to the specific life circumstances of his/her sheep.
Shepherds must lead with intention. Ponder Jesus’ friendship with Peter. Perhaps it could be dubbed “Intentional Shepherding 101”. From the get go Jesus is deeply committed to this man’s growth. Jesus’ intentional investment in Peter’s life helps carve this rough-hewn fisherman into one of the greatest shapers in church history. Intentional shepherds have plans, hopes, dreams and goals for those they lead. They intend for growth to occur and plan accordingly. They often see in their sheep what the sheep cannot begin to see in themselves. Oh, that we would shepherd others with such intention today! What great works of God might emerge from the lives of our children, friends and those in our circles of influence if you and I took time to shepherd with the intentionality of Jesus.
Two questions now remain, shepherd. Get some pen and paper and write down your answers. First, who is your flock? And, second, in what ways are you leading this flock with attention and intention?
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Ablaze for God - Day 17 Devotional
Though the Lord is ultimately the “Great Shepherd” (John 10:11; Hebrews 13:20) and we the ‘sheep of His pasture” (Psalm 79:13) He has, without a doubt, delegated “shepherding” responsibilities to His people here on earth. Chances are as you read this you’re thinking of the pastor or priest of the local church you attend and not yourself. Though you and I may not hold the official title or credentials of a pastor we are indeed each responsible to “Shepherd” those dear ones that have been entrusted to us. Perhaps a spouse, child, small group, friend or a neighbor in need.
When you consider the role of a shepherd the task may be more practical than you think. A shepherd simply cares for the needs of his flock (those people within your life-sphere). He leads them to nourishment. He protects them from danger. He ultimately places their best interests above his own. (Psalm 23:1-6) The thought of you and I being accountable to shepherd others may seem overwhelming or even impossible, but let's bring it down home and see what happens.
First: Realize that each one of us indeed has a sphere of life that we function in day by day. Take a moment and make a mental list of the people that are in your life sphere today—tomorrow.
Second: As you have come to know the Great Shepherd and his gracious provisions, think of how you as an “under-shepherd” may help lead others to the same care and provision that you have discovered in your life. (2 Corinthians 1:3, 4)
The bottom line: It’s all about loving, caring and helping others to discover the relationship with their Creator that He desires to have with every man, woman, and child.
“Freely you have received-freely give” (Matthew 10:8).
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