“You will be Accountable for Preparing
Your People for Eternal Reward”
Submitted by Nate Yoder
Key text: Colossians 1:28
Most reward ceremonies last for a short time. It is here today and then forgotten tomorrow. “Eternal” rewards? They sound foreign. We are living in an age where hell, heaven, the judgment and our eternal reward are seldom given any thought.
In John 14, Jesus said “I will go to prepare a place for you.” That was over 2000 years ago. We may plan or make preparation for the upcoming year-maybe a bit longer to buy a house, or get a new vehicle, etc.
I’m thinking that the place He is preparing must be quite a place if it has been in the making for 2000 years. Streets of gold? Maybe. . .yet maybe not. Maybe it will have a lake, streams, mountains, abundant fish and wildlife where the fawn will lay down with the bear. Maybe the golden streets will be as the leaves in northern Wisconsin. I’m not sure what it will be like. I do know it must be awesome. After all…..He’s been at work for over 2000 years!
We talk with anticipation about the next game, the next hunt, the next party or shopping trip. We continue to plan as if there is no end in sight. Yet, when was the last you talked about heaven? Or even heard the word hell used within the right context?
John 14 says not only that He is preparing a place for us but that He will come back. Have you ever watched a lightning storm? Those streaks of lightning are actually cracks in the sky and we get to see just a little glimpse of heaven. The thunder is just the beginning of the trumpet call for the great reward ceremony. Okay, okay….maybe that is not all exactly scriptural but one day He will roll back the sky and we will meet Him in the air!
Scripture teaches us in Hebrews 9:27 that we all will die and then face the judgment. Philippians 2:10,11 says, “Every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.” Do we really believe that? If so, when was the last time you prayed for your lost family members, your work partners, your friends? When was the last time you prayed for God to help you see others through His eyes?
The question is, what will you, choose? When all of life’s work is done and we take that final walk, will you hear Him say, “Well done, my good and faithful servant. Receive your reward."?
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