Thursday, October 2, 2008

Dr.Wesley Duewel

Great news!!
We just received confirmation that Dr. Wesley Duewel, author of Ablaze for God, will be coming to Hayward Wesleyan Church on November 9!

Dr. Duewel, age 92, is a spiritual giant -- mighty in prayer! It is a tremendous honor for us to have him come. Please pray for him as he prepares to share what God has laid upon his heart.

1 comment:

Mim said...

I am so glad He is coming to grace his presents in your church. I so would like to be there myself. But I will be listening online!!! Thanks so much for posting devotionals and also the sermons.They have been a great help to me, and is making me a little homesick to be there!!! Thank you again.
Mim Bontrager