Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Ablaze for God - Day 30 Devotional

“What is an Anointing?”
Submitted by Ben Drown
Key text: 2 Corinthians 1:21-22,
1 John 2:20 & 27

What is an Anointing? In 300 words or less? Certainly! – or at least we’ll try.

The word “anointing” is a word that is part of the ceremony of “setting apart” a person as a king, prophet or priest. Such persons were “anointed” with oil designating them as ones uniquely set apart for God and His service. The practice of anointing occurs frequently in the Old Testament.
In the New Testament the “anointing oil” symbolized the Holy Spirit coming upon believers to set them apart for service and also give them special divine enablement. It has often been referred to as the “oil of the Spirit.”

Now add to the concept of anointing to the word “Christ” – the Greek word which is “messiah” in Hebrew. Both words mean “anointed one”. That my friends is “Jesus Christ” – prophesied as the One to be born in human flesh and called Jesus, also called “The Christ.” Yes, Jesus Christ, our Anointed One.

When we receive Jesus as our Savior – where does He come to us? He enters our hearts. He becomes part of us. When we make our profession of faith – we identify ourselves as a follower of Christ – Christ-Ones – or Christians! He becomes a part of us and we become a part of Him. WE ARE ANOINTED WITH THE SPIRIT!

Note again the Key Text: Anointed of God/sealed by the Spirit/people of promise! And from 1 John: “anointing from the Holy One” . . . the anointing you received from Him abides in you”. Believer, you are a special person. You have been anointed. You have uniquely been set apart for God’s service.

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