Monday, October 20, 2008

Ablaze for God - Day 36 Devotional

“You Must Become a Person of God”
Submitted by Renee Hecker
Key text: 1 Kings 17:24

What comprises a man who is known as a "man of God"? First of all, the difference between a man of God and a child of God is one of maturity. Both are equal in God's sight; loved, and forgiven, but one is a child spiritually, and one is a man.

A child is at the beginning stages of life, learning to find balance and walk, to communicate effectively, to give and share, to have patience and wait, to be diligent and disciplined, etc. In this process of learning there is pain and crying, complaining and a lack of understanding, but through the diligence of the parent there begins to be a gradual shift from a baby to a child to a mature adult. A parent rejoices when true maturity and strength of character emerge from their son or daughter.

To become a man or woman of God we will undergo the same process with our Heavenly Father overseeing the training and discipline of our soul and spirit. We are born again in an instant, but we are perfected and matured over time. James 1:4 says, "But let patience have her perfect work, that you may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing." Ah, a wonderful vision!

So what are the signs that this perfecting and maturing have taken place in one's life? Most importantly this man or woman of God will have a Presence or a state of Being, and this Presence is Love. Yes, there will be works that will also prove their maturity, but I Corinthians 13 states very clearly that works without love are empty and vain and will profit them nothing.

So what about this loving presence? Here’s some handles that help define this Presence we call love:

· Love dwells in the present. It doesn't ruminate over yesterday or fret about tomorrow. It accepts what IS today with the full assurance that behind the scenes all is working together for good and for blessing. So it is contented with life NOW and actually delights in it because it doesn't take for granted the good that IS.
· This Presence of Love is full of joy in life and has enduring hope because it totally believes and firmly relies on God's magnificent promises given in His Word.
· Peace runs like a river from it, refreshing those around because at this moment it knows Who holds and takes care of the next moment.
· It suffers long with others, is gentle and kind and meek knowing that God is uniquely dealing with every individual Himself.
· Love gives goodness to all, for it knows that what we sow in other's lives we will reap in our own.
· Love is self-controlled in all areas of life because it believes and thereby lays hold of the power of God within us as new creatures in Christ.

How can this love be matured and perfected in you? As with all of life, it is through time and consistent practice. So let us begin to press on to become men and women of God who daily display the fruit of His Spirit--fruit so luscious, sweet, and fully ripened that all who experience life with us will taste and see that God is SO good.

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