Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Ablaze for God - Day 37 Devotional

“You Must Become a Person of Integrity”
Submitted by Kathy Pierce
Key text: 1 Chronicles 29:17

The first lie I clearly remember telling was as a small girl at my grandparent’s cottage. The rule there was, “no cookies before dinner.” Since my grandmother’s chocolate chip cookies were the best on the planet, this was a hard rule to follow. I lied when asked by my mother if I had eaten any. “No,” was my reply. At this point I believed that my mother had eyes in the back of her head, because she told me she knew that I had.

As we grow older, we realize that integrity is more than not telling a lie and more than merely telling the truth. It’s living out truth daily. As Christians we discover that to be authentic we are to act out what we know deep inside to be true. God’s desire is for His truth to influence every aspect of our lives; our values, our beliefs, and our everyday decisions. Psalms 15:1-2 and Proverbs 10:9 call this ‘walking with integrity.’ Walking with integrity is not an easy path; we may not always be popular, we may not make everyone we happy, we may not be able to avoid conflict, and we may even have to sacrifice to stay true to our promises. Walking with integrity means that the same loving attitude with which we approach our neighbors, is the one with which we speak about them in our own living rooms.

Can we walk with integrity and be on both sides of the fence? When we seek God’s approval over the praise of men, then we have the power to stand firm in our convictions without needing the world’s validation. Walking with integrity results in being secure in Him and that is enough!

Thought for the Day: It is God who has eyes in the back of His head.

Read: Psalm 15

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