Monday, October 13, 2008

Ablaze for God - Day 29 Devotional

“Your Responsibility to Pray for the
Kingdom of God to be Realized”
Submitted by Dee Davis
Key text: Revelation 22:20

It’s a Miracle!!!

Isn’t that what we say after staring into the face of a newborn baby?? It boggles our minds how it all happens! God uses the ordinary and creates the extraordinary. That is what He continually does! But why does God choose to give us such amazing influence and responsibility?? And why does God use ordinary people like you and me to birth His kingdom?

It is truly mind boggling that God actually entrusts ordinary you and me with procreation AND the opportunity of playing a reproductive role within His redemptive story as well. Ironically, in either case, the result is the same …a new birth. A beautiful new baby girl or boy is born!! What a powerful thought…we are never too old to give birth to a new little one!!

What a privilege to be part of God’s redemptive plan. He certainly does not need us to carry out His will…but He chooses to do just that. Procreation in God’s kingdom begins by sowing seeds of prayerful love. Prayer always prefaces new birth in the kingdom of God. Jesus commanded us to pray for His kingdom to come and His will to be routinely manifested in people’s lives right here and now.

My redemptive story, as I am sure yours does too, includes ordinary people who did an extraordinary thing… they prayed, sowed seeds of God’s love, and as a result new creation was birthed. Miraculous!!!

So, keep in mind, whenever the ordinary power of man is coupled with the extraordinary power of God… a miracle happens. His kingdom comes!! So be prepared for labor and delivery … and expect a miracle today!

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